19 March 2012

Kea leboga :D
Change is good!
You should try it :D
the Innocence in this pic....WOW!
God's gift
I come across a lot of bitter people almost everyday [I'm sure eveybody does]. Bitter people are always negative, pretentious and always complain about everything.
Tendai on twitter tweeted this: Bitter people have the greatest potential to be better people, they are just holding on to the bitterness a little longer.

I don' know who said this but it is very true and relevent here: HURT people HURT people
"If something is not right, talk to God.
Rough night? Talk to God.
If you are feeling blessed, talk to God.
Stay humble!"

- Lauryn Hill
            "Being SAVED is NOT
           synonymous to being SOFT"
-Wise Person
I read this on twitter:
" Just because people are making great moves in their lives, it
does not mean you should feel underachieving. Our journeys are not the same"
this is Heaven for me....
I get emails from Joseph Prince's Ministry like everyday and this morning like all other mornings I read one email from him.

Today he [Joseph] was taking about being blessed, the scripture he was referring to was Deuteronomy 28v3 which states the we are blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

Joseph elaborates on this scripture by saying that we are blessed regardless of our location [THIS really touched me]. In addition, he says that the blessing is NOT on the land [location] but ON the man.

This really got me all hyped up, and ready to conquer anything that comes my way this week.
"This poem, this poem is for the strong women...
this is for women who get hated on by girls with insecurities,
tattooed to their faces.  Sweetheart, they hate you.  They hate you
because their confidence is crippled. they got handicapped thoughts and self-esteem has never been complaint."

- Rudy Francisco

That's Me in a nutshell!!

15 March 2012

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I am indeed growing,
I am indeed getting closer to my dreams,
I am continuously learning,
continuously laughing
forever loving
forever rejoicing
I am me, still imperfect,
but perfected by the Word of God.
Me...I'm a daughter
forever will I remain...
Lerato Maphalla.

Jeremiah 29 : 11

1 Corinthians 15 : 58

I am holding on, becasue I know that the Lord sees my my heart.
Lerato Maphalla + Thabo John Phiri = <3
Such shoes motivate me to work harder...LOL..
yeah i'm superficial :P

One day one day!!

What the Bible says about Love [not Lust]

                                              "Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly" This is beyond true, we all want to fly, but we are afraid of falling, but someone once said to me: the hardships u go through are actually preparing u for the greatness[success] that is coming.

Like Khuli Chana says: TSWAA DAAR!!!!!!!!
I am learning to 'swallow my pride'

If I ever get married....this is what I would like my dress to look like.

Thank U

Caution: Do Not overdose